Forum for Hane tsugi

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Alternative to hane-tsugi? [#1134]

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Ksero: Alternative to hane-tsugi? (2007-08-28 15:58) [#3864]

Sometimes, instead of hane-tsugi on the second line, I see this:

Alternative end-game play  

Would you say that this is better or worse than the regular hane-tsugi?

I guess that just like black's hanging connection on the first line ( Hane Tsugi / Advanced ), this gives black ko threats.

Bill: Re: Alternative to hane-tsugi? (2007-08-28 16:29) [#3865]

This is hane-tsugi, just a hanging connection (tsugi). It is often better than a solid connection.

reply ((no subject)) (2008-01-28 19:52) [#4227]

Karl Knechtel: It gives black aji in general. In particular, the peep at a may help other stones to the left, e.g. if Black is trying a desperate invasion (presumably the territory to the left is currently considered White's, as this kind of hane-tsugi is an endgame play).

OTOH, it prevents the reverse sente at b (which is the only reason I can think of why it is "often better"). Or rather, Black has to settle for c instead, in which case b is later a one-point sente. (Or is c therefore sente already? In that case, it hardly seems like White has gained anything...)

hnishy: prepares ko (2023-02-28 01:22) [#12213]
Hane Heko  

This shape prepares ko in the diagram (high-risk for both sides). If B2 at W3, White reduces Black territory by two more points. Colloquially called Hane-heko (heko is short for hekomi).

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