Watch The Game On The Table Next To Yours


This shows a fundamental lack of interest in one's proper game, and as such a lack of respect for one's opponent. Games at other tables are interesting, and I might go for a stretch myself during a long tournament game, but once seated, one should pay attention to the game one is playing.


Although I agree with you in principle, I would like to add a corollary: If your opponent is constantly looking at other tables around you, play quicker. Especially at club evenings where there is no clock, I sometimes get bored (I show a lack of interest in my own game, maybe) while my opponent thinks and thinks and thinks - only to play the obvious move ...


Reminded me of another bad habit: Too Much Thinking. --Matt Noonan

What if the other game in question is being contested by two attractive candidates? ;-) -- ~ian~

Stefan: Then you're not watching the game, and it's perfectly OK.

Phelan: Unless you are playing with someone who wants to be an attractive candidate. :p

If Svetlana Shikshina was playing on the table next to mine, I'm not sure whether her game or herself would get the most attention out of me :-)

Sometimes I do watch the game on the other table when my opponent wants to ContinueWhileDozensOfPointsBehind.

--RafaelCaetano (who has never seen a game contested by 2 attractive candidates :-().

--Hicham: I have no troubles with this in tournament games. I can understand that this is rude in friendly games (one wants to get the most out his weekly go meeting), but in a tournament game people can do with there time whatever they want to. As long as you don't bother your opponent (listening to loud music on your headphones, hanging over a part of the board, talking with friends,..), you're fine in my book. During tournament games, I like to walk around from time to time and see how my friends are doing. Or just take some fresh air for a minute (only if the time limits are long enough for this).

DeathWind: I am usually at my own board since I don't play too fast. Personally I seldom look at other people's game even when I am not having a game of my own. I don't have problem with people watching other people's game. If you are talking about internet, you can't catch them doing it. If it is real life, I am still okay with that.

Watch The Game On The Table Next To Yours last edited by kmr on August 29, 2021 - 14:59
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