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DeathWind is my main account on KGS. I am currently 3d on KGS, 1d on Tygem and a certified 1 Dan in Singapore. I have been playing GO since 2003. I have undergone one and a half years of training under professional players.

How to get strong at Go?

Develop your reading skills by doing tsumego
Reading ability lays the basic foundation of being strong at Go. It is a good idea to make it a habit to do Go problems daily, consisting of those suited for your skill level. It's very important to make it a point to read out all the key lines in the problem.

Review your games
Reviewing your games will help you to improve very fast. Analyzing games whether they are won or lost, helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses and think of ways where you or your opponent could have played better. It would also helps a lot if you can get your games to be reviewed by a very strong player (preferably at least 4 stones stronger than you) or a professional player.

Study professional games
Studying professional games is probably the next big important step to becoming a very strong player at go. Why study professional games? Professional players generally play very strong moves. It's a great way to learn the important parts of the game all at the same time - joseki, fuseki, tesuji, yose, middle game strategies, attacking/defending lines, shapes and so on. Personally I also make it a point to memorise the early phase (from move 1 to move 20 up to 100) of the games I study, as recommended by my former teacher (pro).


DeathWind last edited by on October 2, 2011 - 14:15
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