Warder05/Simple Vs Complex

Sub-page of Warder05

Complex examples come from a recent game of mine.

A Reletively Complicated Game

Table of contents Table of diagrams
I'll Show you Complication! (Black to Play)
Moves 50 to 59
Moves 73 to 82
Moves 83 to 92
White + 148.5
A Pacifistic Opening

These diagrams assume you know something about the game. If you're completely lost, go read the Introduction and the Basic Rules. Some terminology to be familiar with:

Open territory surrounded (completely) by stones of one color
Potential for eye-making
Japanese word for opening strategy
The state of two groups vying for territory by trying to capture/kill each other and/or make two eyes or otherwise live.
Playing against an opponent's stone

Messy Beginnings

I'll Show you Complication! (Black to Play)  

This is the beginning of a game a friend of mine and I played. she was Black, I played White. After a small tussle to determine the status of the lower-left corner, Black occupied the right central Star Point to prevent me from forming a Chinese Fuseki by playing at a. Black last move B1, prevented me from crossing under to help white+circle escape. W2 establishes a base for that lonely stone and fighting ensued.

Things Heat Up

Moves 50 to 59  

This is where things start to get interesting. Black's group on the right is now under attack, whereas my group on the top is very much alive. My friend starts a reletively large ko (which eventually becomes quite small) with B10. At this point, the ko looks to save the life of her black group on the right and put pressure on W5 and W7. Violent, no?

White Goes in for the Kill

Moves 73 to 82  

...And this is where it's all gone wrong for Black. The black group in the upper right is quite dead at this point as the attachment at W10 seals the group in (if you're curious about this, read about at Life And Death). Meanwhile, my previously vulnerable group centered around W8 has all but escaped its encirclement. The presence of white+circle prevents black+circle from establishing a base. A white move at a (coming a few moves later) will completely trap the lone black stone. This was way more active than any of our previous games--causing serious problems for my friend.

Sealing the Deal

Moves 83 to 92  

White not connecting in response to the peep of B5 was probably a little reckless, after W6, W8, and W10 it's pretty clear that two black stones near B5 are all but dead. Moreover, the large Black group in the upper right has very little room for eyes, and is probably dead where it stands, as well.

It's worth noting at this point that I am far enough ahead that I don't need to really try hard to eat into Black territory. Also, note the marked White stones on the left. These are in excellent position to move up along the side, provided that I keep sente.

All Done

White + 148.5  

This is the final position. Dead Stones marked with circle.

A Simpler Example

A Pacifistic Opening  

This is how our games usually progress. Usually, I invade at circle, establish myself along one of her sides and then we duke it out to determine the dimensions of the borders. Besides White's attack on my invasion, the game remains reletively tame.

Warder05/Simple Vs Complex last edited by emeraldemon on August 21, 2007 - 21:41
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