Usual Dilemmas
Keywords: Strategy
Conceived by HolIgor
I want to propose a discussion on several topics of importance for every practical game.
We face these kinds of dilemmas every time we play. Do you have any guidance to treat them?
Add other dilemmas that you know.
- Extend or pincer?
- High or low?
- Profit, thickness or fight ?
- Connect or push first?
- Cut off or defend?
- Defend territory or attack?
- Cut or force to connect up?
- Approach from which side ?
- Simple or complicated ?
- Sente or gote ?
- Praise good moves or criticize bad ones ? see teaching Go to weaker players discussion
- Moves or patterns ?
- Capture or tenuki? ? See BQM19.
BillSpight: For many dilemmas, the answer may be "None of the above." Look for plays that leave the horns of the dilemma miai.
See also Priority.