User Preferences / Help - RecentChanges

Sub-page of UserPreferences

The RecentChanges settings at UserPreferences are only available to "experienced" deshis with an account.

Profiles (RC1 - RC4)

  • You can define up to four profiles (RC1 - RC4).
  • Name: name the profile. The name appears on RecentChanges. By deleting a name you delete the profile. Deleting the name of RC1 deletes all profiles.
  • View:
  • Period: select the number of days you would like to have listed.
  • Minor edits:
    • "No minoredits": no minor edits are shown.
    • "Watched pages": shows minor edits only for watched pages, but not for other pages.
    • "All pages": show all minor edits
  • Watched pages #1-#3: this relates to the three categories for watched pages. The first checkbox enables/disables the listing of these pages in RecentChanges. The HL checkbox enables/disables highlighting for these entries. By default category #3 pages are not shown in RecentChanges.
  • Pages contributed: these are pages you have edited within the period of time of the profile. The first checkbox enables/disables the listing of these pages, the HL checkbox enables/disables highlighting for these entries. Note: category highlighting takes precedence over contribution highlighting.
  • Other pages: any other pages, meaning pages that are not in one of the watched categories and have not been edited by you. The checkbox enables/disables the listing of these pages.
  • Time stamps: whether or not the entries should be preceeded with a time stamp (hh:mm).
  • Red line: enable/disable the red line feature. The red line indicates the time you last viewed RecentChanges. Anything above the red line are new entries, everything below the red line are old entries. The red line is only moved once every 30 minutes, i.e. if you visit RecentChanges within 30 minutes the red line is not moved. This is done for better usability.
  • Filter: which filter should be applied by default (number 1-10). If no filter is set this field is either empty or zero.


You can set up to 10 filters for use with RecentChanges. Each filter has a name and the filter string itself. The name appears in the selection box that you see on RecentChanges.

The syntax for the filter string is quite powerful:

  • You can search for pagename, author, pageheaders (keywords, pagetype, difficulty), and the summary line.
    • If a word has no prefix, then the pagename is searched.
    • A word may have a prefix like "prefix:word". Important: prefixes are case-sensitive; no space before or after the colon. Valid prefixes are:
      • 'a' or 'author' for searching the author of an edit
      • 'k' or 'keyword' for searching the keyword of a page
      • 'd' or 'difficulty' for searching the difficulty rating of a page
      • 's' or 'summary' for searching the change summary of an edit or the subject of a posting
      • 'n' or 'pagename' for searching the pagename
      • 't' or 'pagetype' for searching the type of a page
      • 'm' or 'minoredit' for whether the edit was a minoredit (values: 0 or 1, e.g. m:1)
      • 'topic' for searching the forum topic of a posting
      • If you use an unknown prefix, then this item is silently ignored.
  • If you want to search for a phrase, then enclose it in double-quotes like e.g. keyword:"Online Go"
  • If you want to exclude a word, then use a minus in front of it like this "-word" or this "-prefix:word"
  • By default all search terms have to match.
    • You can match any term within a category by using a list within brackets, like prefix:(word1,word2). See examples below.
    • You can switch to any term matching by putting a vertical bar ('|') as first character of the search. See example below.
  • Special keywords are
    • '-type:talk' to suppress all forum postings
    • '-type:page' to suppress all normal pages (and only show postings)


  • Match any page that has one of the keywords "Online Go" or "Humour":
    • >keyword:("Online Go", Humour)<
    • or shorter: >k:(Online Go, Humour)< (within brackets you can omit the double quotes as terms are matched from comma to comma.)
    • or nifty: >| k:"Online Go" k:Humour< ('|' at the beginning switches to matching any term)
  • Match any page that has both keywords set
    • >keyword:"Online Go" keyword:Humour<
  • The same as above, but not from anonymous authors
    • >keyword:"Online Go" keyword:Humour -a:*''< (people with accounts have an asteriks '*' in their author entry)
  • The no riff raff search (tongue firmly planted in cheek)
    • >-k:(Humour,Ongoing game,Online Go,SL description) -t:(Homepage,Alias) -/Discussion< (Explanation: none of the keywords {remember inside brackets means ANY, but the minus in front means NOT, i.e. this means NOT ANY of the listed keywords}, no homepages or aliases, no discussion pages)

User Preferences / Help - RecentChanges last edited by 2605:8d80:0662:c8a7 on May 29, 2022 - 18:33
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