The comb formation is alive

    Keywords: Life & Death
Comb formation  

The comb formation is always alive. The points a and b are miai.

Comb formation  

The placement at W1 is useless. Black answers at B2, and subsequently 3 and 4 are miai.

Comb formation  

When White attacks the group at W1, Black plays at B2. Now, 3 and 4 are miai.

Comb formation  

White W3 here threatens a snapback at a. There is nothing to worry though, as B4 does the trick.


Losing Liberties  

A key feature of this shape is that white may block both sides of the group in sente. For example, W1 in this diagram forces Black to defend at B2 or a. In addition....

Losing Liberties  

W1 is threatening White a, Black b and W2, which is double atari. Black should defend at B2 or a. (Black c completes 'the comb' nicely, but is a small mistake because it gives an additional ko threat to White)

These first-line blocks by White should not be played immediately, but are good ko threats - the chance to play them is unlikely to disappear, since black pushing out will be gote.

The comb formation is alive last edited by hnishy on June 18, 2024 - 01:08
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