Zook: Here's a table
Feature Interest Risk
Explain capture rule Basic rule None Liberties, chains Basic concept None Explain territory Game purpose Vague "make" territory Stone counting Clear purpose Later shift to territory Probably game origin Not the same as next table Forbid suicide Most rules forbid What's the point Prequel to eyes Conflict rule 1 Explain ko The last rule Confusion Postpone/forbid ko Clarity Not the game Atari-Go Simple Dull Exercise rule 1 Atari disease Not the game Explain eyes Basic concept Too much Explain life and death Intellectual challenge Way too much One-eyed Go Simple Not the game Exercise eye concept Eye obsession 9x9 Simple Dull 13x13 Best of both worlds Still dull 19x19 immediately The real game Completely lost Cultural features Distraction Distraction Origins of the game Some don't care Teacher plays pupil Sometimes only option Gap in level Knowledge transfer No goal Pupils play each other Mutual stimuli Loss of pride No gap in level Slow progress