Club Success stories
Tell us how you managed to make your club start, grow or revive.
Tderz Go can be considered a niche sport (in Europe), even when compared to Chess. The 30+ members of our site with 3000 employees represent only 0.1% of staff. Actively playing are only around 12 (= 0.03% of staff). 90 % of the players are beginners who never played before. The tennis club has 20% of all staff as members (unknown how many active). Especially then, the personal motivation of some multiplicators can make a great difference, i.e. you can't beat the growth rate of such a small club.
I just try to share my love for the game. Have you read Larry King's book 'How To Talk To Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere'? Of course, Larry emphasized, that you also should listen to what others have to say and like to do.
Back to chess: On my secret agenda stood: take over the chess club, make them all converts etc. (tongue in cheek). Well, we have succeeded in a way that we are meeting very regularly and have a stable & active core group. The chess group on the other hand, is faltering and not playing regularly, just playing Blitz tournaments occasionally (to my knowledge). The driving force behind it was originally a Go-shodan (having lived 7 years in Japan) has transferred to another site. Unfortunately he enjoys chess much more than Go at present, otherwise he could start another Go club at the other site. I still keep sending him all my study & teaching material which I gather and use ....
We are playing and start most meetings with some theory, exercises, problems, styles, questions etc.
It is difficult not to use too much time for this in the precious two hours per week, most of the members need this valuable time for playing. Two hours a week of course is much too short for making good progress. Hence, on of our ladies who frequents another, real Go club, is heading off. She must give handicap now. Others are playing each other additionally on KGS and Dragongoserver.
Success story is quite a vague & relative, however one thing is sure "success comes with effort" and it all takes pretty much time.
We are planning to put Go on the agenda of the 2005 World corporate games! Interested to participate? Then, plan it in your company!