Club games, leisure, not tournament play:
Opposing Komoku
vs. 3 kyu:
and when he was 7 kyu:
vs. 12 kyu:
and when he was 18 kyu:
vs. another a 7 kyu (now he is):
move 84 lost sente for White, the corner is already alive!
I have to admit that I only considered hane to either side (a, b) and had thought of nice continuations for White.
The original idea was to build up strength (leaning attack in order to reduce the black right side, e.g. L4).
I did not consider at all his quiet nobi c and took much time for playing this move, which is in line with the original idea of reducing the right.
Many other -unplayed - variants are very interesting.
I found everything else better than playing the boring (We would even be detrimental for the right side). The common sequence Wa, Bb, c-g-h-i-k-l-m etc. would be globally even worse).
Actually a good H4-game, which I evtl. lost by 12.5 points:
my previous move was inspired by a famous Sakata's move - move 120 of this game below:
Fujisawa Shuko - Sakata Eio (w)
Afterwards there occurs some nice shinogi/sabaki in our game, with lots of sacrifices after this move:
Meijin, 2 , Japan, Yomiuri
Black Fujisawa Shuko, 9 Dan
White Sakata Eio, 9 Dan
Komi 5
Date 1963-09-29,30
Result W+R
Teaching game, China, self-sponsored
Black Thomas Derz, 3 Dan
White "Kong Jie´s teacher", 7 Dan (still to add real name)
Komi no
Date 2005-08-05,
Result W+3, Chinese counting method, Japanese: even on the board, or B+1?
Handicap H3, chinese method, as decided by teacher
tderz: atari is simply a fundamental mistake, has to be on . is consistent with the overal situation (tengen).
tderz: "Kong Jie´s teacher" mentioned that these & are so much easier and much better.
The corner is worth 20 points, the whites side 30 points, but only after reinforcing.
The conversation was in Chinese, he mentioned is "gong4 yi1 fei1(?)" (that´s what my western ear heard, I have to look for the characters for the "gong".
My moves seem to want to reduce White´s influence lightly with cutting-sabaki, however with the big drawback that I compromise/damage my corner. During the game, I thought slightly about this var, but did not consider it to be my style - however if have to change my style then.
He asked me whether I understood, and was really happy when I repeated "gong4 yi1 fei1(?)". He really looked (unshaved, tired looking, eye-walls, almost drunk appearance) like the character (4?) in Hikaru-no-Go in vol. no. (?) who is called-in to punish people when cheating for money, just that he was wearing underwear. He seemed to be very strong in the fundamentals, he played many moves instantly and could explain my mistakes crystal clear with many proving variations.
If he later lost a semeai, it is more likely that he played everything on routine and did not expect me to go an unconventional way. Later he compared "German playing style" with soccer and praised my "stubborneness".
tderz: , , are a sabaki-technique, but it´s still all wrong, as explained above.
should be at as in the proverb.
looks to me like a mistake by White (we did not discuss this, however it links up.).
tderz: Black failed to foresee the effective - hence there is no (good) sealing-in of White's group.
Black cannot capture, only sacrifice.
tderz: Black has lost the corner , the left side is open at the skirt, White has sente - these are the details of the desaster.
tderz: is wrong and can not be justified with the wish to construct a big moyo.
"Kong Jie´s teacher" mentioned that in Chinese, is worth "32 points".
I knew that the Josekis with lead to black corner territory, but this difference is indeed shocking.
Again, I have to adapt my concepts.
tderz: (sweep), taking White´s base is still wrong, despite that is consequent (though it could be more to the left).
Did I forget the preferred continuation instead of ?
better at e, White will establish base, but still could block the center.
tderz: is the 2nd invasion.
and are both bad.
Both have the sense of trying to kill and are superfluous.
Better to block from above.
Volledige uitslag van het Delfts toernooi 2007
Pl. Name Str Cl. MMS 1 2 3 4 5 Pt SOS SOSOS 1. Janssen, Frank 6d Amv 23 7+ 5+ 9+! 2+ free 5 107 520 2. Kuin, Merlijn 6d Amv 22 10+ 3+ 4+ 1- free 4 108 527 3. Westhoff, Gerald 6d Lei 22 8+ 2- 12+ 5+ 6+ 4 105 517½ 4. Rehm, Robert 5d Ams 22 6+ 11+ 2- 18+ 15+ 4 102 511 5. Pomstra, Willem Koen 5d Arn 21 15+ 1- 13+ 3- 18+ 3 104 509½ 6. Drost, Andreas 4d Lei 21 4- 19+ 11+ 10+ 3- 3 103 510 7. Hiddema, Herman 3d Gro 21 1- 10- 20+ 12+ 13+ 3 102 506 8. Koster, Bram 4d Utr 21 3- 14- 17+ 11+ 10+ 3 101 510 9. Eijkhout, Michiel 6d Lei 21 13+ 12+ 1-! -- -- 2 99 489 10. Mallon, Willem 4d Ein 20 2- 7+ 14+ 6- 8- 2 105 514 11. Hofman, Wim 3d Lei 20 14+ 4- 6- 8- 19+ 2 103 501 12. Verhagen, Rudi 5d Ens 20 16+ 9- 3- 7- 26+ 2 101½ 488 13. Riedeman, Dick 3d Del 20 9- 16+ 5- 23+ 7- 2 100½ 489 14. Groenen, Geert 6d DHa 20 11- 8+ 10- 15- 17+ 2 100 506 15. de Vos, Dave 4d Til 20 5- 17- 22+ 14+ 4- 2 100 499 16. Brouwer, Peter 4d Ams 19½ 12- 13- -- -- -- 0 94 472 17. Groeneveld, Koos 2d Lei 19 26+ 15+ 8- 22+ 14- 3 97 485 18. Spanhoff, Frederik 2d DHa 19 24+ 29+ 19+ 4- 5- 3 97 482 19. Derz, Thomas 3d ? 19 22+ 6- 18- 33+ 11- 2 95 482 20. Eerbeek, Alexander 1d ? 19 31+ 24+ 7- 25+ 22+ 4 92 461½
Lost this one on time:
Jan Petzold, 1d
Marc Dieben, 3-2k The critical position position + start of game
To my own defence for this groggy position (White is everywhere in the ropes), I must say that I pointed out a crucial error to Marc , otherwise I had captured the K10-13 stones in midgame, so I let him take back a move. Objectively this should not have been possible, but in a commentary, one is always playing against oneself.
As is apparent there is indeed a weak - correct to say 'dead' - cross-marked K16 group at the top edge (circled on GD - are not all Sensei markings possible?), which occurred after White was too greedy (wH16) near the strength and did not just escape. Also, the other cross-marked group is dead.
Black played a superb honte move at G9, creating the turtle shape (xx at H8-9) instead of allowing aji by e.g. G18.
The position is quite correct, I'm at present not very sure about the K2,3 stones, but the 3rd group is also not very stable, if Black would play R, then sente S threatens, whereafter Black could make the eye Q false by black P.
Where could White play now?