Standard opening 3

shimari probe part 1  

W10 is commonly known as the 2-4 Probe Against A Low Corner Enclosure.

Here it is used in a specific whole board context. W10 might appear improperly timed considering that white hasn't finished the tsuke-hiki joseki in the bottom right, however W10 is almost never tenukied by black, and with good reason. black cutting at A leaves many options for white to use W6 and W8 for later, and getting a second move on the top right is far more important considering black has already spent 2 moves there.

A = black move 11, B = white move 12  
Final position  

White's stones resulting from the shimari probe now cooperate well with the full triangle resulting from the tsuke hiki (attach-and-draw-back) joseki and W2 becomes a dual purpose move. Black has secured 2 corners in sente, White has obtained thickness and development on a side that had 2 black stones to begin with. Next Black may want to wedge the white moyo at a.

From 2006+, 23 games have had this fuseki, black won 11/23. The win/loss ratio confirms that the outcome is even, even though it spans an entire side.

This opening pattern is discussed in detail by gogameguru's professional commentator An Younggil in a game between Lee ChangHo and prodigy Shin Jin Seo. See the game commentary [ext] here.

Follow ups

Common follow ups for black  

this is a common follow up for black, usually when the need arises to flatten white before he can even begin to develop.

Common follow ups for black  

another option is for black to simply shoulder hit. White usually gets the forcing move at W2, and then responds with W4.

Common follow ups for white (black 1 = tenuki)  

white can force a cut this way by using the aji of his corner stone. this should naturally be played when it favors white, usually with center stones in the local area that can support the white W4 and W6 stones.

Common follow ups for white (black 1 = tenuki)  

black CAN choose to atari at B5, however...

Common follow ups for white (B3@2-2, W4@2-1)  

black now loses the peep at A and white has gained more strength, and aji with the forcing move at B

this page is a part of global joseki

Standard opening 3 last edited by Dieter on January 28, 2013 - 21:35
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