Small Chinese variants
The normal placing of the third stone in the mini-chinese is , on the third line. See SmallChineseFuseki.
Playing on the fourth line is also known in pro play. For example O Meien made this formation against Kato Masao in the 1994 Judan.
This unusual type was tried by Jowa in 1822, Kamimura Kunio in 1974. It is more likely that one tries to combine a play at a, that is, a 5-3 point 'the other way round', with a play such as b, for the sake of balance. That would be a Kobayashi variant, though.
A position of mini-chinese type is also an option here for Black. is the common choice, but c and d are also professional plays.
Cho Hye-yeon calls this pattern the "mini mini Chinese": see her blog entry at for some analysis. See also: Micro Chinese.