Sensei's Library (version 23)
Sensei's Library (short: SL) is meant to be a place where Go players can meet to find information, contribute information and discuss any items related to Go. SL is a WikiWikiWeb and as such can be edited by everyone!
For quick help have a look at: HowToUseWiki and UnderstandingWikiPages
Just like in a brick and mortar library, you can look for information on various subjects in the ReferenceSection. However (don't try this with a pen in your local library) you can, and are encouraged to, contribute to existing articles and add new ones. Your wisdom will then be available to all subsequent users. You can add comments and correct mistakes if you see them, add explanations etc. Have a look at WikiEtiquette before you start modifying pages.
Since we are in cyberspace, there is no need to be quiet! Discussion on all subjects are welcome. Try out the LibraryLobby?, where discussions are always ongoing, or hang around the CoffeeMachine.
Please don't forget that most (all?) of our contributors are amateur players. That means that you should take their opinions with a grain of salt. For example, if you apply a tesuji found here in one of your games and it turns out it is bogus and you lose a group and thus the game, don't fault us. Instead come back here and add your newly acquired knowledge to that page :o)
Quite unlike any library on the corner, we are not quite sure what SL will end up looking like or being used as. It is up to the users to define what they want and how - and SL will take shape as we go along.
For more views on and thoughts about what SL could or should become, take a look at FutureUseOfSL.
!Legal Statement
Sensei's Library is maintained by Arno Hollosi and Morten Pahle. If you have questions or comments send us an email at or at
Images of stones are (C) Andreas Fecke and used by permission.
Visit his site at
Read about copyright at SL CopyRight.