Philosophy and Go
PageType: Path Keywords: Culture & History
This path refers to all pages discussing philosophy and Go.
Path Contents:
- Aesthetics
- Ancient Chinese Rules and Philosophy
- Art of War
- Does Kami No Itte Exist
- Dogen and Go
- Ellbur/Philosophy Of Go
- Go and Ethics
- Go and Martial Arts
- Harmony
- Lao Tse
- Mathematical vs Metaphorical Understanding
- Metaphors for Go
- Philosophers Stones
- Philosophical Musings And Go
- Scartol/Philosophy of Go
- Secret Art of War
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Some Philosophical Questions about Computers and Go
- The Glass Bead Game
- The Zen Way to Go
- What is Go About
- Yin Yang Principle
- The use of the Bible in Go
- Reflections On The Game Of Go