Odd Dots Go Ongoing Game
blubb proposed the following arrangement in MaximumNumberOfLiveGroups. This looks beautifully symmetric as it is, but I'd like to sacrifice its immaculate beauty by playing it. -- (Sebastian)
Note that this original setup is highly unbalanced, with only black stones on the border. This is because it was chosen to get the maximum string count (here: 181). With one less stone, blubb improved the starting position to get the Dots Go Ongoing Game, which is well balanced, because it is symmetric under the operation "rotate by 90° and switch colors".
Tas: Lets see if we can get another eye or catch some white. (Which is of course also making another eye).
Phelan: trying to stop black from making an eye.
Tas: well this makes thickness and a definate escape, we must be able to get the second eye later. It seems that shapes can almost allways live here. A web wide enough to prevent escape makes plenty of inside space for eyes. I don't think its seki. The endgame will be interesting though
An extra thought: Maybe we should be playing more strategically for influence and territory, instead of these live-and-kill tactics.
NickGeorge: Methinks if I were black, I'd want to play at 4, getting a double sided wall (or 4 sided...). So, it seems big to prevent black from doing that.
Tas: Lets try an influence minded tenuki. I was considering a though.
Edit: Changed my mind and swapped them. This can't be bad. a is what I had played before.
Mef: need a move here to live, this looks as good as any.
unkx80: .
Curtmack: guarantees one eye and cuts off Black's lower-right group from our eye space. Later we can hopefully connect to another side of the board and gain another eye there.
(Sebastian:) I like Tas' extra thought: We've been playing this like an end game, which makes instinctive sense since it's all so crowded. But maybe we should just ignore the background and play as if it were a normal game. Hence' lets play in the corner first. I now believe that if the opponent attacks us there, it's just as if someone attacks you directly right in the opening of a normal game; it should hurt them in the long run.
Frieder -- - Well lets Build an eye -
- Prevent Black from living -
Black escapes - ... (No comment) -
W is living.
Black Begin to build his second eye
- no idea if this is a good move. Let's see what happens. -- (Sebastian)
- same here :) -- blubb
- Here's my thought process:
- I have the eery feeling that whoever starts at a given place has no chance of getting life there him/herself, because the opponent can always block just enough.
- But wait a minute - isn't that always the case in Go? The only difference is that it's hard to see interaction between remote stones.
- I'm considering retracting my move to tenuki and try out if there is any of if it is all neutralized by the stones in between.
- But if I tenuki than you definitely can make life at
- It really seems like anyone who moves at a place increases primarily his/her opponent's chance to win at that place.
- Is that a negative temperature?
- If you choose to move at 4, I'll move at 5, which starts something like a ladder via 6. So there is remote interaction after all!
- No, it's not like a ladder. After one more move, you get to choose if you want to go straight or bend it.
- This reminds me a bit of the game we call "Käsekästchen" ("little cheese box") in German -
dots and boxes in English. -- (Sebastian)
Arno: : W cannot save her stones on the second line. I think B has an easy win :o)
(Sebastian:) - No idea what Arno had in mind, but this can't be wrong.
blubb: - Just let's see :)
Something might be interesting to note:
Bill: Well, there were 7 liberties to start with. . . . ;)
Play on an a would result in 3 liberties for both black and white.
A white play on a b would result in 3 liberties, whereas a black one would result in 4.
White stones played on cs would have the full 6 liberties, whereas black ones would only have 5.
Viewed this way, white seems to be at an advantage as there as there are 4 more c squares on a board. (Yet it would be harder for white to cut a black b from expanding inwards than it would be for black to cut a white b.)
I don't know... how would you analyze such a game?
All in all, this looks like a modified version of Go on a different grid, the interesting thing being that the grid is slightly different for the black and the white.
-- aib
(Sebastian:) Yes, that's an unnecessary asymmetry. If we play this again, let's play it on an even numbered square to give B and W equal positions.
Heres another 181-stringy monster. I don't really think it's stable. Who knows? (According to the ruleset, chose komi so that, if considered to be a "global seki", it's a tie: 0 in japanese, 3 in chinese counting.) -- blubb
I think on this one, White has the best chance to get some life. The first black ring (from the center) is dead, and White can salvage it. At least I have no idea how black could prevent that. -- (Sebastian)
(Sebastian:) Point taken. Well, that's too complicated for me. I'd rather stick with the checkerboard pattern.