Airborne, airborne, all the way. Airborne, airborne, every day.
A little about me: Born in Orlando, Florida. Raised there until I was 19, when I joined the US Army as a 31R, also known as a Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator/Maintainer . . . Basically I stare at radios all day. I earned my parachutist wings in May of 2001, and I am now stationed at Fort Bragg, NC, with the 35th Airborne Signal Brigade.
I first learned about Go while watching 'A Beautiful Mind'. For some reason I was fascinated by it, and decided to try and start learning. I tried various Go Servers, first Yahoo, NNGS, and IGS, but finally settled on KGS. I really like the atmosphere and the players there, I suggest you try it if you haven't already.
I'm starting a GoBlog, so drop over and see it if you feel so inclined. A double-digit kyu player's discoveries and interests are probably none of your concern, but I'm sure someone will have a good laugh at my expense for it :-D
E-mail: hyppy@gamebox.net
Currently looking for a Go club near Fayetteville, NC.