Middle game exercise 1
Very interesting exercise (for me). In such a position, I could not resist the temptation to start a moyo. Black 1, the move I would probably play, at the same time looks amateurish, single-purpose, lukewarm. Maybe locally a or b are better, b showing a weakness though, and perhaps this isn't at all the area to play.
A play around c seems even more single-purposed though: the three-space extension below needs more reinforcement than the two-point extension at the top.
-- Dieter Verhofstadt (EGF 1k)
bud1027 hm...how about this? it seem to me that this moves are more flexible and wider framework for black's thickness...
Broege?: I would go for - it presses White on the right side as it is places exactly on the line separating White's right from Black's top. Moreover, I seem to remember a very similar position is one of Takemiya's games - isn't it by any chance one of his games?
zinger: This area of the board also seems interesting, but I would play at . The reasoning is tewari: if at , then , should be at a, not . Overall though, I like Dieter's idea of at b or c best.
Bill: I kind of like this kakari, particularly as Black is strong on the top.
markgravitygood: I might go for the joseki in the bottom left:
, , , and looks reasonable for black, and supports the lower side. If at a, then at 2. If at b, then the 1-point jump to c by black looks good. This part of the board seems urgent to me and my 16k level. :)
This game was part of the 21st Kisei between Cho Chikun (Black), and Kobayashi Satoru, played on 1997-02-26 & 27. The result: B+1.5
Zinger got it right, but Bill (the one of 10 years ago!) cannot be called wrong, since was the next move. The rest of us trail behind, since next developed the moyo.