Kweon Hyo-chin
Keywords: People
권효진 (b. 27 March 1982) Korean female professional 8 dan. Name is also spelled Kwon Hyojin.
She is the daughter of Kweon Kap-yong 9p (1957–2023)
Promotion History:
- Professional Shodan / 1995.11.01 / Acquired points
- 2 dan / 2000.01.0
- 3 dan /2001.08.23
- 4 dan /2 003.03.31
- 5 dan /2006.12.20 / 12th GS Caltex Cup Preliminaries
- 6 dan / 2012.04.18 / 17th LG Cup Preliminaries
- 7 Dan / 2020.10.20 / 7th Dan Promotion
- 8 Dan / 2023.08.15 / 8th Dan Promotion
Personal life
Kweon Hyo-chin married Chinese professional 4p (now 6p) Yue Liang in 2005. They were the first Korean-Chinese professional Go couple, and they both live in Korea. They have a son Hyeon and a daughter Jiwoo.