Ishi Format
Keywords: Software
During the early 1990s, Ishi was a file format to store Go games. It is possible to replay a game from reading the bare source of an Ishi file.
File example
EVENT old Chinese game BLACK Shi Xiang-Xia WHITE Fan Xi-Ping DATE 1739 BOARDSIZE 19 RESULT W+15 KOMI -2 SETUP W D16 Q4 SETUP B D4 Q16 W 1 R14 B 2 R9 W 3 F3 B 4 L3 W 5 R7 B 6 O3 ( ... ) B 58 D11 PRISONER D12 D13 COM B's situation is now worse. ENDCOM
N.B.: the Ishi format doesn't use the "i" in the coordinates
Applications that can handle Ishi (.go, .prb)
- gGo (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) Will open Ishi .go files, but not .prb files
- glGo (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) Will open Ishi .go files, but not .prb files
- Go++ (Windows)
- GoGoD95 (Windows), one of the game file viewers on Games of Go on Disk
- Goliath (Mac, Win32)
- GoScorer (Windows, included in !GoGoD95, part of Games of Go on Disk)
- Goscribe (DOS) (defunct)
- GoSimulator (DOS)
Hibiscus (Windows, a bit old-fashioned)
- Many Faces of Go
- Nemesis (DOS, Mac) older version claimed it could export to this...
- SmartGo
- TurboGo reads them (no, doesn't write)
- Yago (Windows) (
download Yago)
Applications that can save to Ishi (.go, .prb)
- Many Faces of Go (version 10, 11, and 12)
Specific tools
- Steve Baileys's
See also
- -- Ishi specification by David Fotland