Multi Go/ Bugs

Sub-page of MultiGo
SGF format
FF[] property (SGF version) is missing
branch tips
(vers. 4.1.2 / W98SE) branch tip has memory leak. When branch tips are enabled, creating a few variations then jumping all the time between those variations (eg by using a few bookmarks) shows a huge memory leak according to System Monitor.
Multigo doesn't display *.go-files (versions 3.x and 4.x up to 4.4.4). Tested with a somewhat normal content: the beginning of the example on page Ishi Format and, 2nd test, with the first example on [ext] - the simplest one. In each case the game tree shows only passes.
Audio recording
(vers. 4.4.4, oct.'12): I would like to know, how to get it recording the microphone and not only noise, where someone sometimes can suspect a voice; sometimes there is a very silent voice. Recorded background music also becomes noise. I tried it with WinXP, Vista and Wine in Ubuntu - no success. Hardwareproblem? If you had the same problem and found the solution - please let me know! Also, if you got it recording without problems. (by RueLue)

RueLue: I have now the confirmation, that the audio works, tested on a Win-Vista machine. So I have to fine-tune my machine.

RueLue: Depending on your microphone it can be very tricky to adjust the in-level. Where I before thought, there is too less sound coming from the mic, it was the contrary: I needed to use nearly minimum mic-level and lay the mic far away from my mouth. An audio setup in the program, similar to that in CGoban, would be really good.

Multi Go/ Bugs last edited by on December 14, 2017 - 14:24
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