This is my idea at improving IngTiming
Ing Timing is the only timing system in which a points penalty is given for those who stray into overtime. It is also effectively a variant of absolute time. It is disliked for both these features. Personally I don't think it is so bad.
We have 2 modes of behaviour already in all timing systems (Barring Fischer)
Ing's system is simply assigning a numerical value for the punishment for entering overtime, the other systems just use stress. Unfortunately The final Ing period is assigned the value of GAME_LOST, which I do object to. I think the system would be more palatable to the Go playing public if it was adjusted to a more progressive approach.
For each overtime period N that a player enters, increment their penalty points total by N.
In this way, even if we still set the N(4)=GAME_LOST, we are still having a smaller penalty for entering the first overtime period, and the total penalty for the first 3 overtime periods remains the same.
My favourite timing system remains Bronstein.