Simple psgo recipes
To generate incant
latex a.tex && dvips -P pdf a.dvi ps2pdf output.pdf
Core commands are
\begin{psgoboard*}[n] creates a goban of size n optionally* with co.ords \end{psgoboard*}[n] and of course you have to end it {psgopartialboard*}%{(2,2)(4,4)} there is also the partial board variant
\stone{black}{a}{1} places a black and white stone at x y \setcounter{gomove}{n-1} number moves in psgoboard from n \move*{b}{2} place move at coord * removes number - what colour is move \pass just pass \pass* changes color or next move
There is also a big list of mark up, see later
can be added to \stone or \move \stone[\markma]{black}{c}{3}
There are even fancy lines
\goline{a}{1}{t}{19} line from a1 to t19 \gorrow{a}{1}{t}{19} arrow from a1 to t19
white move 1
\setcounter{gomove}{0} \begin{psgoboard*} \pass* \move{d}{10} \move{k}{10} \move{q}{10} \end{psgoboard*}
black move 1
\setcounter{gomove}{0} \begin{psgoboard*} \move{d}{10} \move{k}{10} \move{q}{10} \end{psgoboard*}
Markup | Meaning | Markup | Meaning |
\markma | a cross | \marktr | a triangle |
\markcr | a circle | \marksq | an empty square |
\marklb{A} | the label | \marksl | a full square |
\markdd | square of diagonal lines |