This variant is a combination of Tibetan Go and Cards Go. It uses a 15x15 board, the Tibetan Ko rule, (the rest of) French rules, and 10 community cards. It needs a proper name. :)
1: Players take it in turn to make a move. You can either place a stone on the board, or take a card for the pile, and play it as your turn. (Cards can only be used once)
2: White has a 5 point head start to compensate for him going second.
3: diagram about capturing stones
4: It is illegal to play a stone at a point where a captured stone lay on the last turn.
5: The game ends when you are unable to make any more points. If you believe the game is over, you can pass. Be careful, your opponent doesn't have to do the same.
6: diagram about how to score
Scrabble is played a 13x13 board. Points are scored by placing words on the board. Additional points can be accessed by hitting a bonus square. I've always had a vague itch about whether or not it was possible to combine Scrabble with Go. After all, Reversi and Scrabble were successfully combined to generate Wordox.
The main problem I have with envisioning the marriage working, is that you have to be able to fight off the suicide steal of higher value territory. I have though, decided to give the idea a go to try out NiGui.