Ing Timing

    Keywords: Tournament


Ing Timing (Ing Time Purchasing) is the time system where

  • one gets four periods,
  • the first is six times larger than the other three,
  • time for each move is deducted,
  • and two points are added to the opponent's score for each exhausted period.


|----|--|--|--|  time before
|---- -- --|     time for some moves
         |-|--|  time after, and -4


Robert Pauli: Actually the text (link below) says "penalty for exceeding [a period]", but that makes no sense to me: time never may drop to zero! The instant it does, one has to invest a life.


18 = 12 + (3 x 2) minutes.

  #  Lives Cost  Time   Used
  1    3    0   12:00   3:00
  2    3    0    9:00   9:00
  3    2   -2    2:00   1:00
  4a   2   -2    1:00   1:00
  4b   1   -4    2:00   0:40
  5    1   -4    1:20   0:50
  6a   1   -4    0:30   0:30
  6b   0   -6    2:00   1:20
  7    0   -6    0:40   0:40
  8    0   -6    0:00   lost

Another Example

For example, let's say that each player starts with 30 minutes basic time. After a player has used that 30 minutes, that player loses 2 points as a penalty. Additional points are lost for each 1/6 of the basic time used (in this case, 5 minutes.) For example, after an additional 1/6 of the basic time (5 minutes) is used, another 2 points are lost, for a total of 4 points. After the next 1/6 of the basic time (another 5 minutes) another 2 points are lost, for a total of 6 points. After another 1/6 of the basic time is used, the game is forfeited. Note that if the other player also uses up a comparable amount of time, the penalties will offset. The first player to go over 45 minutes will lose on time, however.

So, for a 30-minute basic time period, it looks like this:

0-30  minutes: no penalty
30-35 minutes: 2 point penalty
35-40 minutes: 4 point penalty
40-45 minutes: 6 point penalty
45    minutes: loss on time

See also

zinger: I have to say, this sounds like an awful system. Awarding point penalties disturbs the nature of the game. What advantage does this time system offer, that other systems fail to provide?

Robert Pauli: Well, better than to lose on time, not? And compareable with wasting ko threats under Japanese Timing.

xedover: I wouldn't describe this system as having 4 periods. Its still like most other timing systems in that there is a main (or basic) time, and then there are overtime periods. Its like an absolute timing system except with the ability to purchase a maximum of 3 additional overtime periods for 2 points each (so there is still an absolute maximum time limit). Each period is 1/6 the main time (so using the maximum number of periods would be half the main time).

Ing Timing last edited by on June 8, 2018 - 23:00
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