Here is a list of 'confusing terms', in a broad sense, found on Senseis Library.
Unconditional Life - It is always possible for a group with two eyes to die, so it is true that this term is improbable.
Huh? What am I missing? - DrStraw
The obvious; probably deliberately.
Situational, Positional, and Natural Situational Superko. These names really take the biscuit for appalling terminology. To begin with Natural is a completely subjective term for a rule, and superko is observationally somewhat artificial. Situational is a synonym for Positional, the difference between the two is supposed to be down to additional turn information, but this obviously non intuitive. (Aside) The attempt to list Natural superko on SL met with failure, Natural Superko being word for word, the superko rule actually used in practice in China. :)