Hikaru Problem 2 / Solution

Sub-page of HikaruProblem2


Michael (14 kyu): I think, White would play this way to live.

HolIgor: Hint. Black 5 was wrong here.

Jasonred : I was reading the manga and came to the same conclusion as Michael? Where else... wait... dammit. I thought a play at a was suicide, but then I realised it ISN'T...

Black to move  

Hyppy Michael's solution, simplified. As you can see, it does not quite work.

GodRaisty Another even better solution for black is


if anyone can see why this would not work please tell me

White lives.  

unkx80: It does not work. W4 lives.

togi2benji: I Agree with dies

White dies  

Izumi168?: Black should go down instead of up to kill white

White lives  

Symplicity: That doesn't work either. White plays at a to capture and gets 2 eyes, rather than connecting at b.

ZimoLi: No, that won't work. If white plays at a, then black b captures those three stones and kills the white group.

Capture and alive  

Uberdude: ZimoLi, If white plays at a he captures some stones so black b can't capture anything. Here is the position after white a. White's last move is circled.


Oneplaygo?: The actual Solution this time (see solution 2 by me). I'm roughly 13k in strength and it should be like this I believe.

Black should play 1, white would then play two to avoide total death of the important side group, and then black ends with 3 and kills unconditionally. This is the theory of these moves. This one by me is just a low level break down concept, it will not work on very many stronger players, but it is nice to reconize it is a common mistake by low level players realize it sooner then later.


Oneplaygo?: This one is a correct variation as posted above. Then play at 1 as move 7 and no way w will live. This one is the only one I found though I was gunna mark all the incorrect ones but I don't got that kind of time.

Hikaru Problem 2 / Solution last edited by Oneplaygo on December 9, 2012 - 10:02
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