Michael (14 kyu): I think, White would play this way to live.
HolIgor: Hint. Black 5 was wrong here.
Jasonred : I was reading the manga and came to the same conclusion as Michael? Where else... wait... dammit. I thought a play at a was suicide, but then I realised it ISN'T...
Hyppy Michael's solution, simplified. As you can see, it does not quite work.
GodRaisty Another even better solution for black is
Symplicity: That doesn't work either. White plays at a to capture and gets 2 eyes, rather than connecting at b.
ZimoLi: No, that won't work. If white plays at a, then black b captures those three stones and kills the white group.
Uberdude: ZimoLi, If white plays at a he captures some stones so black b can't capture anything. Here is the position after white a. White's last move is circled.
Oneplaygo?: The actual Solution this time (see solution 2 by me). I'm roughly 13k in strength and it should be like this I believe.
Black should play 1, white would then play two to avoide total death of the important side group, and then black ends with 3 and kills unconditionally. This is the theory of these moves. This one by me is just a low level break down concept, it will not work on very many stronger players, but it is nice to reconize it is a common mistake by low level players realize it sooner then later.
Oneplaygo?: This one is a correct variation as posted above. Then play at 1 as move 7 and no way w will live. This one is the only one I found though I was gunna mark all the incorrect ones but I don't got that kind of time.