Harada Minoru

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Harada Minoru (原田実, earlier used a different kanji 稔, 1936 - July 2021) was one of Japan's top amateur players. Was awarded the Okura Prize in 2008.

Harada uses the Western-order form of his name, with the family name after the given name (Minoru Harada), in the English-language versions of his Tsumego pages. Most members of the Anglophone Go community refer to him in the Japanese-order, with the given name after the family name (Harada Minoru).

Harada was born in Kagoshima in 1936 and began playing go at age 12. Since April 1996, Harada has composed and placed on his former employer's (Hitachi) website, two tsumego problems each week. New problems are posted on Monday along with the answers to the previous Monday's problems.


  • All Japan Amateur Honinbo -- 1961, 1963, 1964, 1968, 1989, 1997, 2003
    • Awarded title of Honorary Amateur Honinbo in 2010
  • All Japan Amateur Meijin -- 1964, 1965, 1986, 1988
  • All Japan Students Champion -- 1958, 1959
  • Kagoshima Honinbo 1952

Promotion Record

See also

Harada Minoru last edited by hnishy on July 7, 2024 - 08:07
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