Han Chong-chin

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한종진 (韓鐘振, 韩钟振)
Han Chongchin, Chongjin, Jongjin
b. 1979-06-02
Korean professional

9p 2014.05.19
8p 2010.04.08
7p 2007.01.10
6p 2005.04.01
5p 2003.08.01
4p 2001.07.20
3p 1998.01.01
2p 1997
1p 1996

Runner up in the 2000 BC Card Cup, losing 0-2 to Lee Sanghoon (Jr.).

He was on the Korean team in the 2005 Nongshim Cup, but either lost or, more likely, never got to play.

He is currently the President of the Korean Go Professional Association, and will apparently remain so until the end of 2023. To quote [ext] the AGA E-Journal:

The Korean Go Professional Association elected Han Jong-jin 9p (43) as their new president. Han Jong-jin 9p received 168 votes (57%), 44 more votes than the current president Cha Min-soo 6p (a.k.a. Jimmy Cha). The presidency term runs for two years. Han Jong-jin will represent 392 Korean professionals, and promised to “expand the size of professional competitions, attract sponsors to launch new competitions, actively support Go promotion projects, introduce a professional referee system, and solve the problem of pros' retirement compensation.”

[ext] KBA [ext] Ko. Wiki Waltheri [ext] (Chongjin (most), [ext] Chong-chin) [ext] Go4Go [ext] Go Ratings

Han Chong-chin last edited by on February 9, 2022 - 09:45
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