Gekkan Go Waarudo
(Not to be confused with Go World, an English language go magazine formerly published by Kiseido.)
Gekkan Go Waarudo (月刊碁ワールド, meaning "Monthly Go World") is a Japanese language go magazine published by the Nihon Ki-in. In 1999, it replaced the two magazines Kido and Igo Club which are no longer published.
The ~150 page issues consist of go world news, instructional articles, commented games, player introductions and the like, peppered with go related advertisements and classifieds. Each issue also contains some problems or "strength testers" of the fuseki, tesuji and L&D types, and there's usually also a healthy portion of go related manga to satisfy the reader's appetite for graphical stories.
Each issue is accompanied by a small booklet of ~100 pages. The focus varies from issue to issue: whole board next move problems, tesuji problems, or a game commentary.
The Nihon Ki-in has an online archive containing small digests of the issues.
How to subscribe
Subscribing to the magazine may take a bit of effort, especially if you are a foreigner with less than perfect Japanese skills. These addresses may prove helpful:
- - Online forms in Japanese
- - This email address (remove spaces to use) should reach an English speaking person at the Ki-in.
Available from Amazon Japan for a reasonable shipping fee. Still, it is best to order with other books or magazines as the shipping price does not increase much or at all for additional items.
Kindle edition
Also available on Amazon Kindle both from Amazon Japan and Amazon US (search for Nihon Kiin as publisher). In fact, the kindle version is available under Kindle Unlimited (subscription service). Typically the current and maybe the last publication are exempt from Unlimited.
(iPad/iPhone app "Nihonkiin Go Books" was discontinued in 2021.)