Go Seigen on the Star Point - Small Knight's Shimari Fuseki
Keywords: Opening
In Go Seigen: 21st Century Go (Go Seigen: 21 Seiki no Go), vol. 1, p. 53, Go Seigen calls the wedge, , a bit easygoing.
Anonymous: Why not at ? Double-purpose play: pincer and take this very interesting point of the Orthodox fuseki.
Bill: After - , the pincer at is relatively uninteresting because Black's framework is already compromised.
If Black replies this way, after Go Seigen says that the right side is uninteresting, and says White should approach from the bottom ().
To avoid the shoulder blow, Go Seigen recommends that Black play at a or b.
Katago's analysis
Katago's numbers:
- the wedge at a is not in its policy; when forced, it lets Black take the lower left 3-3 invasion, for 44,6%, a 0,5 point loss, at 2,8K playouts
- the shoulder hit at b is on the radar but few playouts; when forced, it lets Black take the upper left 3-3 invasion, for 45%, a 1,3 point loss, at 2,8K playouts
- its main choice is invading the lower right corner, c, for 55,7%, a 1,5 point win, at 6,4K playouts
In short, the wedge would lose 1 point here, the shoulder hit 1/5th of a point, on average.