Gifu Challenge

    Keywords: Software, Tournament

The Gifu Challenge (世界コンピュータ囲碁大会 岐阜チャレンジ) is an annual computer Go championship held in Ogaki City, Japan. It was held from 2003 to 2006. 2007 edition was canceled due to lack of funds[1]. The 2003 event was the last computer Go competition which had good representation from the world's top Go programs.


Website: [ext] Dead link

Archived version: [ext] Eng

Place Name Alias Country Score
1 KCC Igo KCC囲碁 North Korea 9-0
2 GNU Go Multinational 7-2
3 INDIGO France 7-2
4 Aya Japan 6-3
5 Katsunari 勝也 Japan 6-3
6 Shikou Sakugo 思考錯碁 Japan 5-4
7 caren Japan 5-4
8 TSGO Netherlands 5-4
9 GG Go Japan 4-5
10 Nanashi 奈々子 Japan 4-5
11 Igoppi 囲碁っぴ Japan 4-5
12 Daigosan 大碁算 Japan 4-5
13 martha Japan 3-6
14 igoist Japan 3-6
15 Akebono Japan 3-6
15 Kinoa Igo きのあ囲碁 Japan 3-6
17 Gorimuchu 碁理夢中 Japan 3-6


Website: [ext] Jap [ext] Eng

Backup link: [ext] Eng

Place Name Alias Country Score
1 KCC Igo KCC囲碁 North Korea 9-0
2 The Many Faces of Go America 7-2
3 GNU Go Multinational 7-2
4 Go Intellect America 6-3
5 Katsunari 勝也 Japan 6-3
6 AYA Japan 6-3
7 GoStar Japan 5-4
8 caren Japan 5-4
9 Shikou Sakugo 思考錯碁 Japan 5-4
10 TSGO.v13.1 Japan 4-5
11 GoWind Japan 4-5
12 IGOPPI 囲碁っぴ Japan 4-5
13 GIRUMUCHU 碁理夢中 Japan 3-6
14 martha Japan 3-6
15 Kinoa Igo きのあ囲碁 Japan 3-6
16 Daigosan 大碁算 Japan 2-7
17 Nanashi 奈々子 Japan 2-7
18 GOGATAKI Japan 0-9

See also Gifu Challenge 2005


Website: [ext] Jap [ext] Eng

Backup link: [ext] Eng

Place Name Alias Authors country Score
1 KCC Igo KCC囲碁 North Korea 9-1
2 AYA Japan 8-2
3 Katsunari 勝也 Japan 7-3
4 Go Intellect America 7-3
5 Gori Muchu 碁理夢中 Japan 6-4
6 martha Japan 6-4
7 MASAYAN Japan 6-4
8 GORO Japan 6-4
9 Shikou Sakugo 思考錯碁 Japan 5-5
10 Kinoa Igo きのあ囲碁 Japan 4-6
11 GOGATAKI Japan 3-7
12 MA-GO Japan 2-8
13 Padook Invincible 3.0 Korea 1-9


Website: [ext] Eng

Place Name Alias Country Score
1 KCC Igo KCC囲碁 North Korea 7-1
2 HARUKA Japan 7-1
3 Go++ England 6-2
4 Goemate China 6-2
5 The Many Faces of Go America 5-4
6 GNU GO Multinational 5-4
7 NeuroGo Germany 5-4
8 GORO Japan 5-4
9 Go Intellect 2003 America 4-5
10 Katsunari 勝也 Japan 4-5
11 AYA Japan 4-5
12 Shikou Sakugo 思考錯碁 Japan 4-5
13 GoWind China 4-5
14 Padook Invincible Korea 3-6
15 TSGO Netherlands 3-6
15 Carens Whisper カレンのささやき Japan 3-6
17 martha Japan 2-7

The North Korean program KCC Igo is sold as Silver Star in Japan.


[1] [ext] (dead link, although the site is still operating). Another source: [ext]

See also

Gifu Challenge last edited by Dieter on March 1, 2021 - 17:18
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