Top 20 European Players

PageType: Path     Keywords: People, Tournament
Top 20 ranked players according to EGF
Place Country Rank Name
1st RU 4P Ilja Shikshin
2nd PL 3P Mateusz Surma
3rd RU 3P Alexandre Dinerchtein
4th DE 3P Wang Siang Jie
5th UA 2P Kachanovskyj Artem
6th SK 2P Pavol Lisy
7th IS 2P Ali Jabarin
8th PL 1P Stanislaw Frejlak
9th UA 1P Andrii Kravets
10th FR 1P Tanguy Le Calvé
3rd DE 8D Kim Young-Sam
4th DE 8D Kim Seong-Jin
6th FR 8D Dai Junfu
11th DK 7D Li Qiuchi
13th CZ 7D Lukas Podpera
15th HU 7D Pal Balogh
17th FR 7D Benjamin Drean-Guenaizia
18th FR 7D Noguchi Motoki
19th NL 7D Rob van Zeijst
20th FR 7D Thomas Debarre

Based on: [ext] EGF rating as of Mar 2023; note that the term 'European player' is taken really broadly - both European players living in Japan or Korea and some Japanese, Chinese or Korean players living in Europe are included in the above EGF listing.

The top ten players of European nationality at birth are as follows (June 2020):

Top 10 players of European nationality at birth
Place Country Rank Name
1st RU 4P Ilja Shikshin
2nd PL 3P Mateusz Surma
3rd UA 2P Kachanovskyj Artem
4th SK 2P Pavol Lisy
5th IS 2P Ali Jabarin
6th UA 1P Andrii Kravets
7th PL 7D Stanislaw Frejlak
8th RU 3P Alexandre Dinerchtein
9th HU 1P Diana Koszegi
10th FR 1P Tanguy Le Calvé

Also see Top Amateur Players By Country.

Top 20 European Players last edited by Bodhi on June 20, 2024 - 12:15
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