Beyond Forcing Moves

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Beyond Forcing Moves
("Go no Daigomi")
By: Shoichi Takagi
Publisher: Ishi Press, May 1994
ISBN10 4-87187-037-5
187 pp.

Game database references


David Carlton's [ext] review

crux's review.

Table of Contents

to be added

Sample Material

to be added

The first example in section two of this books is discussed on the clamp page.

Halfling: I've heard from a 3d at our club that this was one of his 3 favorite books. It doesn't seem to have too many references in SL, though. : ( Anyone have any opinions or recommendations for this book?

Evand: I read it a little while ago (around 2-3k) and really liked it. I found a bit of it more advanced than was completely useful, but it was a very interesting book. In general, it provided a detailed look at a piece of the game I hadn't really considered very much. It looks at a fair number of examples of particularly good play from professional games, and analyzes in detail why the kikashi are important. I would recommend it to anyone in the strong kyu to dan range who is interested in taking a more detailed look at forcing moves.

WilliamNewman: I'm (another?) Texas 3 dan who'd say it's one of his favorite books. I'd also say it reminds me of the new Yang booklet on Sabaki: important and useful themes to look for in tricky situations, which I at least was largely blind to before seeing the books. Both books are also similarly motivational/frustrating (depending on your attitude about working to develop your tactical reading skills: highly motivated to learn to win, or lazy like me:-) because to reliably see the themes in the book you usually need to do some pretty serious (by my standards) tactical reading. I was fascinated by the forcing moves book when I was a low kyu player, and I could just barely imagine applying that kind of analysis in real life. Now that I'm somewhat stronger, it's more common for me to stumble upon plays inspired by concepts from the book. And it's also an interesting source of insight into how stronger players can keep stomping me so badly.:-|

joncol: Where can you buy this book?

Beyond Forcing Moves last edited by joncol on September 11, 2013 - 10:40
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