BQM289/Earlier Play

Sub-page of BQM289
Moves 1-10  

Bill: W6 is somewhat questionable, as an approach to strong stones. W6 has limited development potential because of Black's enclosure. How about a kakari at, say, a?

Charles Matthews: Can't agree with that, Bill. W6 seems a perfectly ordinary idea here. (Later: database confirms that this is one of two major ideas in pro play, the other being the immediate wedge on Black's side.)

Velobici: B1 and B5 make the left side valuable to Black. At this point, Black has played every move on the fourth line (relative to the bottom). Black is clearly headed toward a moyo game. W6 makes B1 and B5 much less valuable and is a five line extension from W4. This is a double value move.

Bill: I'll go along with that, Charles. Quelching Black's potential on the side makes W6 a good play.

Bill: W10 is slightly misplaced. A kakari at b is possible, but c is the better wedge.

Weaker corner  

Bill: Compare this diagram with the game. Black's bottom right corner is weaker than his bottom left in the game. Again, White should play further away from Black's strength. white+circle has better development potential than W10 in the game.

Charles This point is hard for me to understand. There is not enough database evidence here.

Variant -- analogous position  

Charles But certainly in the analogous position the pros all head for W1 here. So does having a black stone at the circled point change everything?

Velobici Indeed. Black has three moves on the fourth line vis a vis the bottom edge, undercutting both corners with W1 is very good for White.

Bill: The Black stone at circle is certainly a factor I should have mentioned. White does want to approach Black's framework.

9-3 wedge  

Bill: In fact the first place I saw the 9-3 wedge was in this position. The black+circle stone was key to playing closer to the right.

Moves 11-20  

Bill: W6 is White's first really questionable play. Since B5 is cramped, there is something to be said for viewing white+circle lightly and playing tenuki to make a framework on the top side with a play at one of the b points. Locally, White should jump to a.

Charles I agree here: W6 is not the best idea.

Bill: B1 - B7 are all questionable. Besides being premature, B1 leaves a weakness behind. Better at c. B3 strengthens White, to what end? B5 is too close, but after B3 - W4, not to play locally looks silly. B7 is not only passive, it allows White to play W8, strengthening his top right corner and pushing Black towards White's strength on the left. Instead of B1, better the kakari at d.

Moves 21  

Bill: To keep with the main theme, B1 approaches strength. It makes white+circle look pretty good. If Black is going to jump out with this group, better jump to a.

BQM289/Earlier Play last edited by Bill on March 23, 2006 - 02:44
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