Amateur Fuseki 12

    Keywords: Opening

London international go match, board 4. kokiri as white, all comments appreciated:

black by 9 (6 1/2 points komi)  

B7 looks a little soft to me.

Bill: B7 is good, since White cannot play W9. (B1 breaks the ladder.)

I also considered a or b for W10.

Bill: Wa is joseki.


B5 could(/should?) attach at W6?

Bill: He should.

I played W10 to fix a worrying weakness in my shape expecting it to be answered...

HolIgor: I think that at this moment white has to look for a variation when black would force this connection. Attacking from the other side could be an option. I think that in this situation black took a lot by securing his group in the middle.

dnerra: Whether W10 is optimal or not, I actually think it is a strong move, because it shows that White understand what a huge difference it makes shapewise. The cut at a is worrysome for white, and the follow-up to W0 as shown in the game or even better as shown in Bill's diagrams below, is extremely big. I even think I would play it W10, too. I don't think securing the top black group is that big, since

  • it cannot be attacked very effectively anyway (as the stones are on th 4th row), and
  • once it is secured, it doesn't make much territory anyway (as the stones are on the 4th row).

Yes I may sound repetitive, but I do think that attacking and defending is not as urgent if the stones are on the 4th row than when they are on the 3rd row. (Of course, HolIgor might well find a way to play W0 even more effectively.)


...but when black defends his group on the side, I like this for white.

Bill: White cut on the wrong side. You should cut on the side you want your opponent to take.

Correct cut  

If Black omits B6, White can play at a.

Later, B9 should be at B10.

Better for Black  

All of that suggests this variation.

Variation 1  

Or simply

Variation 2  

with better aji in the corner.


Variation 3  

An option  

Holigor: The maneuver of the previous diagram was OK, yet white loses some aji. In the case when there are good moves on two sides it is quite often betten to keep that in reserve. In the previous diagram white got a nice thikness but black got sure eyes.


Up to B3 I feel like I have the initiative, but I can't really see a good way of attacking black+circle. I think the continuation is ok, but could i have done better?

HolIgor: What about b? This seems slow yet black is left with a lot of holes.

Bill: W4 looks OK. Maybe B5 would be better at B9 or c. B7 should be low. W8 is lax. Better at c. You should try to put some pressure on Black.

W10 @ a looks better?

JoelR: I look at the position after B3, and I don't know what to do with the lower right. Approaching from the bottom side looks like playing too close to thickness, but if I approach from W4, and B7 is placed low, then Black has dealt nicely with the wall. I'd be tempted to attach at d, to wrong-foot Black, or to leave this corner alone.


Here my memory gets a little fuzzy, but I lost the white+circle stones (I had considered sacrificing them anyway) but allowed black to connect across the top, a bit of a disaster and the tables are turned

A short while later...  

In the end I made decent use of my thickness to build in the centre and top left, but I feel that the attack on the right somehow let black take the in initiative, even though I thought I'd taken the lead early on.

Amateur Fuseki 12 last edited by Dieter on July 5, 2008 - 14:42
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