4-5 point 4-3 approach ogeima, tenuki
If White tenuki against the 4-5 point 4-3 approach ogeima, Black at a might be the normal play, while Black at b is known (White can then live quickly at c), so that would be a matter of direction of play, if Black favours the upper side.
Black's contact play
This is from Takemiya Masaki-Yuki Satoshi (B) 1995-10-26, colours reversed: Black 11 at a, White 12 at b. White has no trouble making life, but concedes a big wall.
If , White has a few options at a, b or c to live in the corner or sacrifice. Black must make sure that the sacrifice is not too easy for White.
In this game, we see Takao Shinji play tenuki not only against (the two white moves were played in reverse order in this game), but also against . After , white (Morita Michihiro) is very thick in this corner, but has spent three moves to do so.