4-4 point low approach, high extension, invasion
White has three standard answers to deal with the invasion: contain immediately by attaching at a, or reinforce first by attaching at b or, as surfaced from the AI revolution by forcing at c.
Other options to investigate are d, attacking , e dodging the invastion and f jumping out.
Attach and contain
The wedge variation usually results in White influence, while Black will settle at the , by continuing to push or jump at some point, depending on stones present to the right.
White can also atari from below, resulting in a variation which can result in ko at and ladder at a.
Attach and take corner
This attachment turns into a variation of the 4-4 point, low approach. With the marked stones present, White may choose to take the corner at instead of connecting at
Aside from local responses, immediately seeking compensation in the corner is possible. However, Black may turn here and confine White into the corner, especially if Black has a stone at the circled spot. After , White's marked stone is oddly placed.
In pro games
When analyzing this position, LZ prefers here, taking the corner and some centre influence in sente to then play