Forum for BQM 289

Kyu-level Responses vs. Dan-level Responses [#360]

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ChrisHayashida: Kyu-level Responses vs. Dan-level Responses (2006-03-22 18:39) [#1321]

While I appreciate the formatting, I think it's a bad idea to segregate the responses based on level. A kyu player can have just as valid a point (and a dan player can bring up a valid counterpoint) and they can both be right.

I don't like the idea of "cheapening" some of the deshi's responses.

I am an AGA 2-dan. Does that mean that only deshi 3-dan and higher have a right to comment? In my opinion, no.

Besides, I think some of the "kyu-level responses" might be miss classified.

Anyway, thank you for the formatting. This might be something worth talking about in the meta discussion.

Bill: Re: Kyu-level Responses vs. Dan-level Responses (2006-03-22 18:44) [#1322]

I agree about not segregating responses in terms of dan vs. kyu. I recall a discussion a couple of years ago about a problem that stumped everyone for a while. The key comment was made by a player who, I believe, was a double digit kyu at the time.

velobici: Y'all may be right. (2006-03-23 00:14) [#1327]

Velobici: Y'all may be right. I am the kyu level player that segregated the responses. The first two folks to respond are both kyu players; later dan level players added comments. The fortuitous timing lead me to observation of kyu vs dan level comments.

I do not mean to cheapen the comments by so labeling them.

Should someone wish to remove the labels or change them, I will not take offense. :)

reply ((no subject)) (2006-03-23 16:44) [#1330]

Whatever the case, there's something odd in the formatting of the page, so it forces a larger page width than seems needed (the hazards of using 640*400, but most pages here don't do this). I'm going to see if I can fix this part of it at least.

Edit: found it, preformatted text (with a space to start with) doesn't line-wrap...

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