Tapir: Has this tesuji a name? Then please add it. Otherwise you can propose one. This page intends to be a page on this tesuji in future.
Bill: Kano Yoshinori in his Yose Dictionary (p. 111) calls the move in the sente descent diagram below a tobi-komi. So do Segoe and Go Seigen in their Tesuji Dictionary, under sagari. Hard to translate. Hmmm. Plunge is not bad. It is often translated as a non-go term as dive. That's not so bad, either. :)
kb: This is really just a version of watari.
tapir: Isn't watari just connecting underneath? Then - of course it just a version of it. But connecting with the normal monkey jump, connecting with a keima watari, connecting with shortage of liberties are all different techniques. At least for me it was quite an "Aaah" as I learned it - and I have seen several opponents in the low sdk-range quite surprised by this - when I played this as an endgame tesuji where they only expected a normal monkey jump.
Feanor?: Warfreak2 proposed the name "jumpy monk" as a humorous inverse of "monkey jump". I personally like it. :)
Phelan: I like it too. :)
Tapir: While humorous it doesn't work at all with languages which use a derivative of monkeyjump (Affensprung in German e.g.). Reverse/inverse monkey jump is translatable. Sorry for my general unfunnyness, but I can't see me explain the german equivalent to beginners.