Forum for Default Restriction Rules

remarks [#2142]

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reply remarks (2010-01-15 12:27) [#6950]
  • this page is lacking context
  • this page is lacking wikification
  • this page is probably a personal project in disguise and should therefore be renamed to a subpage of the author's homepage
RobertJasiek: ((no subject)) (2010-01-15 13:54) [#6955]

The context of the page is

  • The history of Go, Go theory, study and research related to ko, terms related to ko and attempts to define the terms. In particular, research became active in the 1980ies when Ing Chang-ki tried to define ko and related terms.
  • [ext] Ko
  • [ext] Types of Basic Ko
  • Understanding Go terms well is important for understanding Go theory better and - in the long term - for trying to solve the game completely. The Default Restriction Rules are part of that research context. They are a very important part because they are applied to define "ko", which is one of the most important Go terms.

What is "wikification", please? If you mean some layout additions, please add them!

It is my personal hobby to research in Go theory. Go theory, however, is something that can be useful for everybody interested in it. That currently (depending on how one measures such figures) I do about 20% to 80% of the research on the topic ko terms does not mean though that it would be an only personal project. Go theory is for everybody interested in it. That somebody does the research and invests years of time while others are just consumers of the discovered theories does not mean that the research would be private and secret. The research results shall be public and open so that everybody can benefit from them if only he is interested at all.

If Sensei's Library took your attitude to hide key information rather than making it easily available, SL migth as well close.

X Re: ((no subject)) (2010-01-15 16:56) [#6963]

Look at Dieter Verhofstadt/Ideas on Go Theory. It's not hidden, it's a clear mark of being my personal research, it's made available to anyone wanting to read it, but it doesn't pretend to be common knowledge, accepted by the community.

RobertJasiek: Re: ((no subject)) (2010-01-15 18:57) [#6966]

The theory on your subpages is hidden enough so that I do not find it easily except maybe accidentally. I do not expect theory under a Wiki user's homepage. I expect theory linked from a page called Theory or the like. I consider Wiki users' homepages to tell something about the users' persons. If I want to know something about Dieter Verhofstadt, then I search for that name. If I want to know something about theory, then I search for theory. Unless accidentally I should previously know that someone has developed theory, I could not search well for his theory because I would not use his name for the search.

Of course, there may be circumstances when putting theory as subpages of a Wiki user's homepage is appropriate nevertheless. E.g., when a theory is in development and the Wiki user knows and expects of some (partly particular) other Wiki users to help him working out the theory. Then such a user might consider a Wiki more convenient than using his own homepage and doing the editing work on his own due to corrections suggested by third persons.

Such or similar circumstances do not apply to me and my ko definition theory though. The fastest way to finally create the theory during the recent months was working alone because I knew exactly how to proceed. The theory as to defining ko and ko intersections is now finished including testing of essentially all known shape classes. I.e., I have already done the necessary factual verification. Complete theories are ready for publication, exposure to discussion and application. They are beyond the stage of being a personal project. (While I was doing the related research, one might have called it a personal project since I was working alone.)

The purpose of a Wiki is to inform the readers so that, in principle, they get their chance to acquire all published knowledge. In practice, nobody has time to understand equally well all pages of a huge Wiki. If a Wiki taught only the intersection of all readers' previous knowledge, it would be a tiny Wiki. A Wiki, like a printed dictionary, exists to provide the reader with the chance to learn things that are new to him, i.e., that previously have not been part of common knowledge.

Instead of suggesting different places for the contents, understand, evaluate and comment on the contents itself and its relevance! Re: ((no subject)) (2010-01-16 15:06) [#6977]

If the page were more about ko than about you, the name and place would be appropriate. Try Wikipedia with such articles and they won't stand for a day but classified vanity. On SL there is a place for vanity and that's the homepage. Let me ask you this: would I be allowed, as a fellow deshi, to rewrite, reorganize or improve on these concepts and articles if I felt this was necessary, or are they in a final state and do you own these pages?

In any case, a sentence like "An early attempt (...) had been made by Ing Chang-ki in the Ing Ko Rules by phrases like (...). Such a naive approach was a failure though because, as RobertJasiek proved mathematically ..." does not have its place in a generic article, because it does not reflect consensus but strong opinion. Even if you are correct and your research proves to be factual, marking other efforts as naive does not help your article to appear objective.

I admire your research and I am grateful that people do honour to the game by investigating it thoroughly. My admiration is supressed though by your attempts to enforce acceptance by the community, by not letting others lift your work from research to common knowledge status. Dieter

RobertJasiek: Re: ((no subject)) (2010-01-17 04:38) [#6982]

The page Default Restriction Rules is much more about ko than about me. Currently my name appears at three places: As the inventor of the Default Restriction Rules, as the person's name who did a certain relevant proof and as the page creator. Each of these occurances is legitimate.

The least important occurrance is as page creator. It is consistent with many other Sensei pages though that were created or WMEed by a single or by a few writers.

References to mathematical propositions or proofs must be done by links, location reference, proposition title or person having done the proof. Since currently the proof is not or not easily available online any longer or in writing and since a proposition title does not exist, the currently only available reference is by means of the name of the person having done the proof. Such is very common and good practice for mathematical proofs because it enables readers to know where to look and whom to ask.

The most important occurance is as inventor of the Default Restriction Rules.

As a Wiki user, you are allowed and free to edit every Wiki page but at the same time everybody expects you to improve on the contents instead of hurting it. In case of the Default Restriction Rules, this limits changes to the contents and naming of these rules themselves very tightly because they are an essentially fixed part of in particular the general ko definition. Making tiny changes of contents of the Default Restriction Rules can quickly replace the current state that the ko definition works for all known shape classes to a different state where the ko definition does not work for all known shape classes. I tried a lot of tiny changes and they all failed to model ko in general. Please resist from destroying a working theory! If you should need somewhat different rules similar to Default Restriction Rules, then give that ruleset a different name like "Variant II of Default Restriction Rules" or possibly yet better a completely different name.

I think that - for the purpose of defining ko in general - the Default Restriction Rules are in their final state. I think so because the Default Restriction Rules together with the ko intersections definitions have been tested successfully for essentially all known ko shape classes. Changes to the Default Restriction Rules would be justified if a) you should find an irreversible factual mistake (other than a mere typo) or b) you would discover a new ko shape class for that the definitions would not produce the expected identification.

Of course, I do not own the pages. (How could you even suggest such?) Quite like you do not possess a moral right to hurt factually correct and good contents.

If you find better formulations for historical remarks, please go ahead and improve the writing style! I have not worded each sentence of the page creation as carefully as most of my research paper.

You should know though that everything relies on facts, even if it may have been expressed a bit too emotionally:

"An early attempt": Ing's attempts were early attempts to define ko in general; I am not aware of earlier attempts. Everything before was just about setting some ko / game end rules for practical playing but was not about trying to define ko as a strategic object in general. If you do know anything preceding Ing's attempts, point out it!

"had been made by Ing Chang-ki in the Ing Ko Rules": It is written in several Ing rules booklets that he had been the driving force, if not author for the Ing Ko Rules. Written descriptions of this go even so far to say that he spent decades of his life on the topic. I have heard first hand oral reports on that, too. If you should have different and better evidence, tell us!

"phrases like": Read the Ing 1991 Rules booklet and you find a lot of such phrases!

"Such a naive approach": It was a naive approach because it used a phrase consistently without explaining why it might or might not be reliable while expecting it to work in general although it could not fulfil its wished purpose at all. As such, it is even a model example for a naive approach. - Naive is an emotionally attached word and presumably you can find something more factual. Something like "expected to work what did not work at all".

"was a failure": It was. It was meant to distinguish ko stones from stones that are not ko stones. However, as it has turned out, the approach let each stone in each position be a ko stone. (Except that Ing did not trust peace himself and added a further criterion: First he demanded ko stones to consist of at most two stones. Later, when a triple ko stones examples was provided, he changed the artificial limit to three stones.)

"as RobertJasiek proved mathematically": The proof is essential for the topic whether it makes sense to describe ko stones by mere possibility of a cycle. You might dislike that it was me to have done the proof but you should not ignore the fact possibly on emotional grounds. Proofs reveal truths regardless of the person having done a proof.

Educate yourself better and you will see why the above should be the factual consensus! Do not confuse my strong opinion with the existence of the facts! Do not criticise facts suggested by other authors on the grounds of your possibly limited belief or knowledge but, if you do have factual doubts, provide the better evidence!

You want others than the researchers to present research as Wiki knowledge. I would be happy with that, too, because it would take away a lot of extra work from me. However, by far too little is done. Often it is the researchers themselves that provide a lot of explanation on research. Recall, e.g., how much Bill Spight has explained at Sensei. If the researchers remained inactive here, very much would simply not be written at all or only with many years of delay. Non-researchers should show a much greater interest in presenting research instead of doing endless meta-discussions.

PeterHB: Re: ((no subject)) (2010-01-17 16:07) [#6984]


I feel an amount of ratcheting up of the emotional tone in the text above. Please give more thought to balancing your wish to defend your opinion and the things you believe to be true, against the need to maintain a balanced civil tone that helps people who believe different points of view to feel able to join in debate with you. In some debates it is possible to get to a point where the more shy retiring flowers feel that withdrawing from a heated debate is better than continuing. ( I don't believe you are a shy retiring flower on subjects you care deeply about. )

A simple suggestion would be to reconsider each sentence that you choose to end with an exclamation mark. They may or may not be the best choice of thing to say. I believe they are sentences worthy of extra thought.

On the general subject of ko, special cases that illustrate characteristics of ko, and the interaction of ko with rulesets: well I recognize I don't understand, so I can't participate in the debate. I'm sure you recognize the need for a variety of SL pages on ko & rules both for people with different levels of understanding (e.g. me), and for different points of view at the same level.

Best wishes, PeterHB

Unkx80: Re: ((no subject)) (2010-01-17 16:18) [#6985]

Hi Robert,

You may want to consider how you present your ideas and arguments. Personally I think this is one of your biggest weaknesses.

  1. You give me (and possibly others) an impression that you are trying to bulldoze your ideas over the entire go community, without regard to other people's feelings. Owing to human nature, others will find them off-putting and get defensive, and you lose an opportunity to get others to accept your message. My suggestion is that instead of saying things to the effect that you are always right and others are always wrong, please tone down your messages, and I think others will be more receptive to your ideas.
  2. SL contains very different kinds of material that are targeted at different kinds of audience. Therefore, you may want to consider the target audience of the page you are writing. Nobody here is stopping you from presenting your research on SL, and in fact they are very much welcomed. However, pages for all audience (including non-mathematically trained) such as ko and cycle must remain as such in order for SL to be relevant to all. Hence, I and some of the librarians will not allow you to turn the material on these pages into mathematical formulations that those people cannot understand. That said, you are very much welcome to present your research results on separate pages targeted at rules experts, and linked from the main pages.
  3. You may want to consider writing in a style that makes your main ideas more accessible for a wider audience to understand. From time to time I observed that the ideas behind some of the things you write are very simple, but the way you phrased things can make your ideas very difficult to understand. For one, a mathematically rigorous writing style is not suitable for a large part of go community. For two, even when mathematical rigor is necessary, you may want to consider using a simpler vocabulary and use simpler sentence constructs. For me, you often lose me not so much in your mathematics but rather in your English. In short, if you want people to understand your material, then probably you should help people to understand them.

My comments above are not intended to be a personal attack, but a friendly reminder for you. I do believe that you do a lot of research that benefits the go community. However, it is evident to me that your contributions are not broadly accepted. Perhaps you might want to think about how you deliver your message.

Cheers! Amen. (2010-01-17 16:51) [#6986]

Very well put. -Bass

RobertJasiek: Re: ((no subject)) (2010-01-17 17:59) [#6987]

After very much time for research, I cannot spend also very much time for free explanations. My ko paper has 2 pages of core research results and already 43 pages of commentary and examples including some very detailed variation studies. Then I summarize some key results here and make them a bit simpler so that they can be understood more easily than the paper without losing its major essence. This already amounts to weeks of explanation work alone.

And what do I get? Meta-discussion, more meta-discussion, wikification criticism, English language criticism. Some Wiki users seems to expect book quality contents and editing for free and immediately starting with the moment of a Wiki page's creation. I have already spent more time replying to your on-topic meta-discussion than on related Wiki contents.

This is superfluous. You could edit the contents pages instead of creating and prolonging meta-discissions.

Why is there much more useless meta-discussion than real contents discussion? The only useful contents discussion so far has been Herman's questions and answers and the question why it would be maths at all.

Ask questions about the contents and you get answers. Contibute to meta-discussion and you do not get answers related to the contents. Of course, you would have to admit having difficulties with understanding some parts of the theory. Why should you be afraid though? I needed many years to find a solution and the ko paper needs several hours reading for a reasonable first understanding. So it is quite natural if you should have difficulties with understanding.

The next step might be discussion of the contents. But meta-discussion instead leads nowhere.

Of course, there can be different Wiki pages for different levels of understanding or abstraction. Etc. But do not expect me to waste too much time answering every new and newer meta-discussion topic. Enough is enough. You have had time to read, if not spend some more days, so let us discuss the contents.

One aspect of meta-discussion cannot be avoided though: Truth of proven facts. Evidence cannot be rightfully ignored. That I have produced a lot of on-topic evidence (maths or historical) puts me into a position in that I know more about what are or are not the facts. Some of you cast doubts about facts while not providing any counter-evidence. It is not surprising that this leaves me in a position of frequently being factually right. As you know, I do regularly and forcefully encourage factual criticism so that my findings get a chance to stand that test. Meta-discussion, however, is not (or only hardly) factual criticism. Replace the former by the latter! This should be much more fruitful for everybody. Re: ((no subject)) (2010-01-19 01:14) [#7024]

Hi Robert, this is Dieter again.

I apologize for my early remarks here: they were too short and harsh and gave a wrong impression of not welcoming your publishing here.

I'm not going to try and make any further point regarding the way I think you (and any researcher) should publish here. Quite a few librarians are helping you out with the best faith and I withdraw from the discussion.

Good luck.

Unkx80: Context and wikification (2010-01-15 14:37) [#6957]

The first two parts on context and wikification can be easily be achieved by adding one or two [ext] lead statements to the article. However, I won't do this because I currently have no interest in your article.

RobertJasiek: Re: Context and wikification (2010-01-15 15:15) [#6958]

Done. If I knew how to do it, I would also add keywords (I suggest: rules, expert). How does that work?

HermanHiddema: Re: Context and wikification (2010-01-15 15:46) [#6961]

You can set those to the right of the texteara used for editing the page. I have added the keywords "Ko", "Rules", "Theory" and difficulty "Expert".

tapir: ((no subject)) (2010-01-15 17:34) [#6964]

I just want to remark, that we have several pages about personal rulesets. Whatever Robert edits, certainly somebody will leave anonymous and obviously provocative remarks, comments... just for the sake of it (my impression). There is no disguise, no hidden agenda at all if someone explains his personal ruleset (or with Robert Jasiek on of several of his rulesets) here, adding that for being usable some further changes would be necessary. The relevance of this ruleset in tournament play is quite obvious from that. If you feel uncomfortable with the name - why not ask for changing it to Jasiek's ... Rules. A proposal which if made by Robert himself would have certainly produced comments about egocentrism.

Regards Tapir.

Unkx80: Re: ((no subject)) (2010-01-15 18:32) [#6965]

This "anonymous" person is Dieter.

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