Forum for Advanced Study Section

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Older discussion (2004) [#1925]

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tapir: Older discussion (2004) (2009-08-02 01:58) [#6280]

Older discussion

Charles I presume this would be meant for single-figure kyu players. Or possibly start in at about 15 kyu, which is the top of the 'social player' scale in Western terms.

There must be quite enough on SL to reference, if we could agree what's appropriate.

KarlKnechtel: I'm barely if at all into single-figure kyu myself, but if it matters, I think an 'advanced study section' should probably start with things like shape and haengma, and work upwards in difficulty. I suppose these are deep topics actually; I have occasionally lamented that there is a big gap between knowing "shapes" and knowing shape. It would be useful to have some exercises and/or debate geared towards finding the right shape for a situation, given more than one local play that makes some recognized good shape.

Grauniad: This proposed section should definitely aim at single-figure kyu players. The material in Beginner Study Section, combined with good reading skills, should be enough to get to this level. (Not that I'm there myself yet. :-()

Charles Suitable types of pages are joseki as a source of bad habits, don't provoke damaging plays on the second line, common mistakes in fuseki. But those are all negative in intention: don't play certain ways. Perhaps we could start by looking for content under two headings: you make too many bad plays and you don't make enough good plays.

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