Forum for Wu Qingyuan's Collected Games

Notes for English Speakers [#13252]

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Malcolm: Notes for English Speakers (2022-11-18 15:05) [#12168]

Sinprejic I have purchased this set (pretty much on a whim) and am attempting to figure out enough Chinese to understand if Go is playing white or black. From pages here on Senseis Library I have succeeded in divining (guessing) the following:

  • 呉清源 is Go Seigen's name
  • 先番 means first move, and indicates the black player (though sometimes just 先 seems to be used... why?)
  • 段 means dan
  • 一,二,三,四,五,六七 represent 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 respectively
  • Therefore 六段 indicates a 6 dan player
  • 二子番 seems to indicate 2 stone handicap, perhaps the difference between 先番 and only 先 is that the former is considered a 1 stone handicap and the latter is simply player plays first.

Additionally I am making the following guesses:

  • 先相先 indicates this is a game played with SenAiSen handicap (and thus part of a Jubango?)

The number one problem I have is that there is no way of entering a character I see in the book into the browser short of scanning through pages with lots of characters until I find a match. Then I can cut/paste it into babelfish or search on it. If anyone knows a better way _please_ let me know :)

DuEm6: I personally use google translate's stroke input. You can draw the characters with your cursor.

hnishy: 先番 indicates the game was played as a part of multi-game handicap like tagai-sen, sen-ai-sen or sen-ni?. 先 (without 番) indicates jo-sen, always Black handicap.

Malcolm: Re: Notes for English Speakers (2022-11-18 15:11) [#12169]

Sinprejic, you may find the Chinese Go Terms and its subpage " English to Chinese " helpful.

For tools to help with Chinese, I find the smartphone Chinese<-> English multifunction dictionary/app [ext] Pleco very helpful. Android and iPhone versions. It includes a handy OCR function for a moderate fee.

Also modern smartphone (or tablet?) should let you install a keyboard which works in Chinese and lets you write the characters. Having said that, using the correct stroke order is generally necessary in order for these tools to work correctly.

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