Wu Qingyuan's Collected Games
Wu Qingyuan's Collected Games (呉清源围棋对局全集), an eight volume set of 825 games from 1927 to 1971, edited by Cheng Xiaoliu (程晓流) 6 dan, published by The People's Sports Publishing Company (人民体育出版社).
Volume 1: (旭日初辉东海天)ISBN: 7-5009-1726-0
Volume 2: (擂台逐鹿起风烟) ISBN: 7-5009-1727-9
Volume 3: (皓珠度韵新闻谱) ISBN: 7-5009-1728-7
Volume 4: (墨玉留香晋段篇)ISBN: 7-5009-1729-5
Volume 5: (十局纵横擒虎客) ISBN: 7-5009-1730-9
Volume 6: (三番壁垒傲灜贤) ISBN: 7-5009-1731-7
Volume 7: (心伤万古名人战) ISBN: 7-5009-1732-5
Volume 8: (孤鹜追霞话弈仙) ISBN: 7-5009-1733-3
The Set
The records generally contain 40-50 moves per diagram, and the diagrams are a good size (one per page). One interesting surprise was that the first record begins with black and white stones pre-positioned in the corners. (This is the only such game I have seen in a quick look through the first volume). It begins like this:
I suspect it would be unethical for me to publish more of this game (unless someone can find me another source that is public domain). But the game winds up being decided in favor black (Go Seigen) when the group built from dies in a ko fight.
hnishy This is a game with the Chinese fixed stone placements. It was played in Beijing against 汪雲峰 (White). And who is "I" (twice) above? Dieter?