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Hi, I've been playing this game for about 3 years now, and continually find it fascinating. I'm a member of the BGA, and my rating on BGA can be found [ext] here, as you can see I've been pretty much meandering about 7kyu for a while now. I play at 5kyu in [ext] Cambridge University Go Society.

I also play on: -

I have contributed a few problems to, and these are listed below: -

I occaisionally do reviews on GTL, my reviews can be found here [ext] My Reviews.

I recently started a page on SGF Organising Utilities, and contributed a perl program to strip unwanted comments from KGS game files CommentFilter

Oh and I have a [ext] blog, which isn't updated very frequently.

chrisg last edited by Unkx80 on July 7, 2024 - 20:57
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