KGS Related Utilities

    Keywords: Software, Online Go

Here you may list third party supplements, workarounds and such which have been developed mainly with KGS users in mind.


An open-source Java application that downloads archives from KGS and displays various aggregate statistics.
A web page giving an aggregate view of a player's statistics.
A java desktop application that provides the same kind of statistics as listed above, with notably the ability to sort by opponent frequency.

File Beautifying

If you ever have attended a game of any popular high-ranked player at KGS, you probably know what I mean: such games use to be very noisy. Even though the following tools cannot filter the chatter in ongoing games (because CGoban2 is not designed to interact with other applications that way), they convert messy sgf files with myriads of comments into something conveniently readable.

(Broken since the update of the server to kgs3)

Filters comments based on rank and/or nickname.
(Perl script)
Does the same as CommentFilter, moreover allows to set the rank limit automatically to the black players' rank.
(Python script)

Suggestion for enhanced 'KGS Archive' query fields

KGS itself doesn't yet provide a search window in KGS 'Archive' where you can search several parameters at once.
(you only can search by name there and only afterwards by date)

Î do see a need for a search window in KGS Archive with the following input parameters:

  • strength: (e.g. 6-9dan)
  • date: (absolute & relative, e.g. last day, week, month etc.)
  • & vice versa for the opponent.

To make it complete, you would like to have more:

  • handicap
  • quality of win: points, resignation, on time
  • unfinished games: (escapers)
  • UNDOs

The best I could find until now, is this script here: <[ext]> (sorry - only blank page).
Joncol, who wrote it, could easily adapt it to those specifications above. (tderz)

Old Utilities

This cute little tool allows to display, filter and graphically evaluate a player's performance in detail, based on the [ext] KGS Archives. Version 1.8 properly supports the new KGS3 archives site.
Available as binaries for Windows and for Mac OS X (10.5 or earlier, PowerPC)
While the original site is unavailable, the program can be found in the [ext] Internet Archive - [ext] KGS Accountant 1.8 Download Page
Free website which helps users to organise their KGS+ viewing..

KGS Related Utilities last edited by DudleyMoore on October 5, 2017 - 09:46
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