Hi my name is private! But you can call me Marko, whoops!
I am zelda91 on kgs go server and am about 1-2D at the moment..
I am currently playing using 3 different accounts SolidSnake 2D , Guin [1D] and LeeSeedol [1D].
I started go like many others, by watching Hikaru No Go desu!
I give reviews to nice people only. I have a good experience teaching players from 15-3K and most of whom I tought have improved up to 2k.
Author of: Zelda's Alternative Go Theory "Article" Starter of: How to Really Get Strong at Go "Discussion"
Other Info, Trivia:
- I am a fan of Cho Chikun and O Rissei, but I am currently encouraging new players like Han Sanghoon for the future of go.
- I have not contributed a lot on here at this point. But I will try to give attemps and maybe solutions to some joseki problems and shapes.
- I am an admirer of the tengen point and tend to play deep inside opponents area in case of moyo, while risking my own stones (A behavior reminescent of most 10kyus. :) I asko like influence over territory and am usually behind on pts so be prepared! (Rawr!)
- Probes, ah! what to say about probes(yosumi), I love probes they simply extend my imagination up to something I will never reach : " THE HAND OF GOD "
- I am starting to believe that Go is more about practice than study :)
- I was there when Word WGAR was created.
Mindful Issues about Go:
I would like to expand knowledge of database in this fuseki position, as there are not many experiments with it and I am sure it hides many secrets and mysteries, according to my friend Zureiyaa 6d, Wang Yang uses this opening sometimes. Kakari is usually avoided but here it asks for it ^^ so I think there is a strong trick behind it ^^