Who Was That Go Player... (3)

    Keywords: Question, Culture & History, People

Who was that go player... - new entry on March 28, 2003. Prizes still completely imaginary.

  • ...who can boast to be the last non-Korean to have won an international title?

(Andre's guesses moved to /Solutions)

Some of mine, several going a bit further back in time - Andre Engels:

  1. Who used to be considered a kisei (go-saint) until political manipulations came to light?
  2. Who is said to have answered the question how his game went by I had black?
  3. Who was known as "a genius born at the wrong time"?
  4. Who startled the go world by playing move 5 at tengen in an important game against the strongest player of his time?
  5. Who was the first player to reach 9 dan after the creation of the oteai system?
  6. Which western player once managed to take shared first place (though third place on DOS) in the amateur world championship?
  7. Who was suspended for eight months after accidentally wounding a fellow professional, and who was the wronged party?
  8. Who saw his career roughly interrupted by a motor accident?

(DJ's answers moved to /Solutions)

Who Was That Go Player... (3) last edited by Unkx80 on May 25, 2004 - 13:30
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