
Sub-page of WayneChapeskie

This is a test page for an updated copy of "The List" from Shygost. The original list: Shygost/OriginalList.

Table of contents

The List

The Three Questions

What has come to be known as "the list", is a list of three questions.

  1. Am I ok? (How many weak groups or important stones do I have? Count them and defend the weakest one.)

    When defending:
    • Don't get surrounded in sente (you get surrounded and it's still his turn).
    • Don't run with the knight's move (or any other easily cut move).
    • Do contact strong stones. Touching a stone helps both to settle. It helps him, wasting his time -- he's already strong.

  2. Is he ok? (How many weak groups or important stones does the opponent have? Count them and attack the weakest one.)

    When attacking:
    • Attacking usually means to remove one of his running directions -- the one that gives you most profit or that makes it hardest on him.
    • Chase with the knight's move. (You don't care if you're cut. He's the weak one).
    • Don't contact weak stones (touching a stone helps both to settle).

  3. What's big? (How many big areas are there? Count them, compare them to find the biggest, then play in the biggest area.)

    • A big area is an open area, which is not yet solid territory for either player, but which has the potential to become territory for one player or the other.

These three questions are recursive, meaning that when a question is answered, go back to the top of the list, and continue going through the list again. Try to find moves that accomplish more than one purpose.

Priorities in the Opening

Here is a list of priorities, in order of importance, for what is big in the opening:

  1. Anything "urgent" (stands out above the rest).
  2. When your 3-3 or 4-4 is approached, respond unless something else is urgent.
  3. Empty corners.
  4. Unfinished corners (a single stone not on 3-3 or 4-4 is unfinished).
  5. Choosing a joseki, in a corner where there is already one stone of each color.
    • 4 and 5 are about equal.
  6. Approach a 3-3 or 4-4 stone (same size as a side move).
  7. Sides.
    • 6 and 7 are about equal.
  8. Center.

General Rules

  • When living, running or getting points: Corner first, side second, center last.
  • In the early opening, the big territory moves are bigger than vague attacks.
  • A group is finished when the ends are down to the 3rd line.
  • A group is not finished if an end is on the 4th line leaving an "open skirt".

Of course all these rules will be broken at the right time.

WayneChapeskie/UpdatedList last edited by WayneChapeskie on December 4, 2012 - 08:25
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