Triple hane

    Keywords: Tactics

Chinese: -
Japanese: 三段バネ (sandan bane)
Korean: -

In Dramatic Moments on the Go Board, Abe Yoshiteru recommends trying out a triple hane, as shown below, in certain situations, because it is full of fighting spirit, or kiai. Obviously, Black can get a double atari at the point a, so to play this way, White must be prepared to treat these stones lightly. Black can get a ponnuki out of this, so one shouldn't play this unless Black is already strong in the vicinity.

Triple Hane: Madness? Maybe not.  

If Black plays the double atari, White will typically connect and become stronger by sacrificing one stone, and if Black captures, White may be able to cut at b, depending on the situation.:

Triple Hane: Possible follow-up  
Honinbo Doteki(w)-Hoshiai Hasseki 1687 W+7  

Occurrence in a pro game

Triple hane last edited by hnishy on May 24, 2024 - 06:16
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