The Power of the Star-Point
Keywords: Opening, Books & Publications
Subtitled The Sanrensei Opening. Ishi Press book G32 from 1988; translation by John Power of Takagawa's book Sanrensei no Iryoku published as volume 5 of Bessatsu Igo Kurabu in 1975.
A book about the sanrensei opening from the perspective of the 1970s.
Available as reprints on Amazon.
See David Carlton's review
Table of Contents
- Glossary of Japanese Terms
- Preface
- Introduction: Invitation to the Sanren-sei
- Chapter One: Sanren-sei Fundamentals
- Chapter Two: Sanren-sei Josekis
- The Inside Approach Move
- The Attach-and-Extend Joseki
- The Attach-and-Extend Joseki (2)
- The One-space Jump
- The One-space Pincer
- The Two-space High Pincer
- The Three-space High Pincer
- The Knight Capping Move
- The 3-3 Invasion
- Chapter Three: The Sanren-sei in Action
- Fuseki Interlude
- Chapter Four: Turning points in the Sanren-sei
- Fuseki Interlude
- Chapter Five: The contemporary Sanren-sei
Sample Material
to be added
Other Languages
German: SANREN-SEI. Die Power-Eroeffnung published by Brett und Stein Verlag in 2010.